14 April 1998
Thanks to John Gilmore
US Naval Academy
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Navy UHF Follow-On Spacecraft Undergoing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing
Course No: 102V Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: AFCEA/Fairfax, VA Clearance: SECRET/NOFORN Cost: $980
Objective: Presents the fundamental aspects of satellite communication systems engineering with emphasis on the description of current and projected military satellite networks. The communication aspects of the system (e.g. modulation, coding, and multiple access) are emphasized and the key problems of communicating in a jamming and/or nuclear environment are presented in detail. The topics provide a comprehensive perspective of military satellite communications.
Eligibility: Background in communications is recommended.
Course No: 101BL Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: AFCEA/Fairfax, VA Clearance: SECRET/NOFORN Cost: $980
Objective: Provides a mission-oriented framework for a total perspective of C3, a thorough understanding of strategic, theater, and tactical C3 principles, systems, and contributions to mission effectiveness. Uses the basic military missions, force structure, and threat to develop C3 requirements. Consideration is given to major technical, planning, budget, and management issues. Emphasis is placed on characterizing C3 system architectures to illustrate the evolving plans for future systems. Technology is described for future C3 systems and quantitative techniques are identified and explored which can be used to assess the contribution of C3 to mission effectiveness. Provides a discussion of major technology trends in C3, quantitative techniques to assess the contribution of C3 to mission effectiveness, and DoD's organization and process for managing C3 programs.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 1845DC Level: Basic Length: 3 Days School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $975
Objective: Provides an overview and principles of satellite communications systems, and focuses on low earth orbiting satellites (LEO's) and their applications. System operation and design trade-offs will be analyzed, and up-to-date regulatory issues will be presented and discussed. Understanding of current advances in satellite communication technologies, and their applications to the emergence of personal communications services and networks.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 1509DT Level: Basic Length: 4 Days School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $1,125
Objective: Outlines the basic principles and economic trade-offs involved in planning, designing, implementing, operating, and managing satellite and VSAT networks. Covers the technical, strategic, and economic aspects of system design and the key processes required to plan a cost-effective system.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: CS-141 Level: Basic Length: 3 Days School: NCS/Ft Meade, MD Clearance: TOP SECRET/SCI Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides an introduction to transmission security and covers non-technical and technical applications of TRANSEC. Presented from an adversarial point of view and includes traffic analysis, signal analysis, RDF/DF, Operator ID and various countermeasures. Covers electronic warfare as well as cover and deception.
Eligibility: COMSEC operational knowledge.
Course No: JC3SOC Level: Basic Length: 6 Weeks School: AFSC/Norfolk, VA Clearance: SECRET/SCI Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides non-technical personnel an understanding of Command, Control and Communications (C3). The wide spectrum of C3 that extends from the strategic, theater, and tactical levels in supporting the NCA and major commanders. Emphasis is on the operational aspects and procedures associated with the command and control (C2) process and the management and operation of current joint C3 systems. Quota control is through JCS (J6) DSN 227-6224, (703) 697-6224.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: A-4C-0030 Level: Basic Length: 5 Weeks School: Eastern Pacific MTT/Varies Clearance: CONFIDENTIAL Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides basic and refresher training for USN and USMC officers in preparation for operational communications duties afloat and ashore, including training in computers, automated systems and Automated Information Security (AIS) and hands-on training in the communications lab. Quota control is through NETC DSN 948-3071, (401) 841-3071.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: A-4C-0026 Level: Basic Length: 30 Weeks School: NAV DET/Keesler AFB, MS Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides training in the knowledge and tasks required to perform the functions of Communications Computer Systems Staff Officer or Electronic Systems Staff Officer. Course includes policies and procedures concerning new developments in communications technology; communications security; management of systems; telecommunications systems acquisition and logistic support; telephone and computer technology; command and control communications; tactical communications and automated data processing. Quota control is through NMPC 413 DSN 224-8330, (703) 614-8330.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: OTHSCC Level: Basic Length: 3 Days School: FCTCLANT/Dam Neck, VA Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Familiarize senior staff officers from CARGRU/ CRUDESGRU/ CARAIRWING/ DESRON staffs with OTH-T systems data flow. Subjects include uncertainty in OTH-T, OTH-T sensors, communications; information processing modes; an overview of TADIXS/OTCIXS communications networks; contact data filtering; battle group database management; battle group command and control; and concepts of the battle group database management architecture. Quota control is through CINCLANTFLT DSN 565-4274/5, (804) 445-4274/5.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: JOTS-l Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: Eastern Pacific MTT/Varies Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides operator training on the HP-9020 desktop computer, system set-up procedures, JOTS communication and operating modes of JOTS I software. The training includes an overview for operators and C2 personnel, hands-on training and training in tactical modes tailored to ship mission areas. Quota control is through FLTCOMBATSYSTRAUPAC DSN 526-1285, (619) 556-1285.
Eligibility: Ship's JOTS I operational.
Course No: NTCS-A/A Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: Eastern Pacific MTT/Varies Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides operator training on NTCS-A equipment, related software applications, and communication procedures. Training includes an overview for operators and C2 personnel. Includes hands-on training in tactical modes tailored to ship mission areas. Quota control is through FLTCOMBATSYSTRAUPAC DSN 526-1285, (619) 556-1285.
Eligibility: Ship's NTCS-A operational.
Course No: J-2G-2302 Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: FCTCLANT/Dam Neck, FCTCPAC/San Diego Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Trains Force OTH-T Track Coordinator (FOTC) watch officers, and OTH-F watch officers on ships equipped with NTCS-A, JOTS I, TWCS, and FDDS. Training emphasizes FOTC responsibilities for integrating and managing track reports received from own ship interfaces and various communication links, and for the automatic dissemination of the common OTH-T track database to all participating platforms in the Battle Force/Battle Group/Surface Action Group. Subject material includes uncertainty in OTH-T; OTH-T sensors, communications, and information processing nodes; an NTCS-A, JOTS 1 and POST tutorial; an overview of the TADIXS/OTCIXS communication networks; contact data filtering; battle group database management; battle group command and control, and concepts of the battle group database management architecture. A Prototype Ocean Surveillance Terminal (POST) overview may be included, if desired. Approximately one- third of the classroom time is spent in a laboratory environment. Quota control is through CINCLANTFLT DSN 565-4274/5, (804) 445-4274/5.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: A-260-0050 Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: FLETRACEN/Norfolk; SERVSCOLCOM/San Diego Clearance: CONFIDENTIAL Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides CIC Watch Officers with the knowledge and skill required to operate the AN/USQ-64(V)7 (OTCIXCS) and the AN/USO-64(V)6 Interconnecting Group, AN/UGC-136AX keyboard-printer and the TSEC/KG-84A Cryptographic equipment. Procedures for performance monitoring, fault isolation, and system restoration are also included in the training. Quota controls: FLETRACEN DSN 564-2424, (804) 444-2424; and SERVSCOLCOM DSN 958-1476, (619) 235-1476.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: J-243-0940 Level: Basic Length: 2 Weeks School: NMITC/Dam Neck, VA Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides a basic knowledge of the POST computer system and instruction in the basic skills required to operate this system under simulated operational conditions. Includes principles of electronic warfare and basic radar fundamentals, ELINT notations and publications, database management, and a Tactical Receive Equipment (TRE) overview. Quota control is through NMITC DSN 433-8214, (804) 433-8214.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: J-243-1950 Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: NMITC/Dam Neck, VA Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides personnel with the basic knowledge of the FIST system and instruction in the basic skills required to operate this system under simulated operational conditions. This course teaches the AN/USQ-109 FIST operator to electronically transmit, receive, store, manipulate, annotate, enhance and reproduce hard copy imagery via satellite communications. Learn to use the controller processor, high resolution video display, disk drive, keyboard, and the trackball for digitizer to prepare images for transmission in both normal and degraded modes. Quota control is through NMITC DSN 433-8214, (804) 433-8214.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: K-3A-5037 Level: Basic Length: 8 Days School: FITCPAC/San Diego, CA Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides Fleet intelligence/operations personnel with instruction, practical application, and hands-on experience on afloat intelligence computer systems: Prototype Ocean Surveillance Terminal (POST), Fleet Data Base (FDB) computer system, and the Fleet Imagery Support Terminal (FIST). Subject matter includes basic familiarization with the POST, Naval Intelligence Processing System (NIPS) Database, NIPS Photo Miniaturized Database, FDB, FIST, MS-DOS microcomputer operations, target folder construction, ELINT afloat correlation techniques, and hands-on practical operations of the HP-9020C terminal and afloat C3I equipment interconnectivity for CV and amphibious battle groups. Quota control is through COMTRAPAC DSN 524-5257, (619) 524-5257.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: L-101-0028 Level: Basic Length: 1 Week School: TRITRAFAC/Bangor, ME Clearance: TOP SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides employment of realistic and challenging exercise scenarios and refresher training to the communications organizations, including all radio watchstanders and the communications officer. Primary emphasis will be devoted to the development and improvement of watch section skills and knowledge. The course covers casualties and environmental effect which the communications team member must deal with while on patrol, during sea trials/refresher training, and under wartime conditions. Quota control is through TRITRAFAC DSN 744-6116, (206) 3966116.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: EA-264 Level: Basic Length: 1/2 Day School: NCS/Ft Meade, MD Clearance: TOP SECRET/SCI Cost: TDY
Objective: Presents a rapid-paced seminar providing a general familiarization of orbital physics and parameters. Reviews selected domestic, foreign, and special mission satellites.
Eligibility: Officers (04 and above).
Course No: CP202 Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week (Off-site) School: NCS/FtMeade, MD Clearance: TOP SECRET/SCI Cost: TDY
Objective: Outlines the NSA/CSS computer security program. Primarily designed for anyone whose job duties include security of a computer system, including the service cryptologic elements. Concepts of computer security are discussed along with the documents that define the policies and guidelines governing computer security practices. Specific topics include control of media, network security, access control, risk management, audit trails, preparation of an accreditation package, and maintaining PC-based security.
Eligibility: Specific computer security responsibilities.
Course No: 171H Level: Intermediate Length: 3 Days School: AFCEA/Fairfax, VA Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $630
Objective: Presents the key concepts of data networking and discusses the new technologies which will be influential in the next generation of telecommunications systems. Covers techniques and procedures applicable to the design and analysis of networks.
Eligibility: Officer managers, implementors and users of dedicated communications systems.
Course No: 259DC Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $1,295
Objective: Presents the evolutionary concepts of satellite communications systems and their applications to existing and changing requirements. Key system components are described with emphasis on digital voice and data and the planning and design of system networks.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 1880 Level: Intermediate Length: 3 Days School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $975
Objective: Provides a basic understanding of both today's and tomorrow's technical possibilities. Consider market opportunities. Map these technological possibilities. How to take best advantage of current capabilities and also prepare for forthcoming narrowband, wideband, and broadband products and services. Course will provide extensive technical details and programmatic issues of the 1990's.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 1526DC Level: Intermediate Length: 3 Days School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $975
Objective: Examines issues which are involved in the transmission of voice and data signals in a mobile environment. Presents the fundamental concepts of satellite communications, principles and characteristics of data transmission. Reviews trends in mobile satellite transmissions and will cover systems under development and operational in the U.S. and abroad.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 1348DC Level: Intermediate Length: 3 Days School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $975
Objective: Examines the design of VSAT's for different applications, evaluation of design issues, system impairments for data, voice and video communications networks via large terminals and VSAT's. Compares the cost of satellite, fiber optic, and microwave technologies for different applications and presents an analysis of future satellite communications combining VSAT's with multiple satellite networking.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 955DC Level: Intermediate Length: 3 Days School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $975
Objective: Provides a better understanding of the concepts and applications of mobile communications with an awareness of techniques used in mobile communications, as well as an understanding of physical signal properties.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 1221DC Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $1,295
Objective: Provides basic concepts and principles of satellite communications. Explores current and future satellite communications technology, examines and analyzes VSAT technology and its telecommunications applications.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: TD-lB9 Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: NCS/Ft Meade, MD Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: TDY
Objective: Seminar designed for those who need an overall understanding of all the means of wideband communications transmission that are at our disposal today. Intended for engineers and managers whose areas of interest involve microwave systems, satellite systems, fiber optics, or millimeter wave transmission.
Eligibility: Working knowledge of mathematics; to include calculus and statistics.
Course No: TD-lBl Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: NCS/Ft Meade, MD Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: TDY
Objective: Seminar which presents the emergence of new generations of high rate digital communications techniques for data, voice, and facsimile. Reflects the central nature of satellite communications to efficient communications. This course describes the nature of satellite communications today as well as the new techniques that are emerging. The course will cover both technical engineering design issues as well as overviews the directions that particular segments of industry and government are taking to incorporate the new technology.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: NTCS-A/D Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: Eastern Pacific MTT/Varies Clearance: SECRET Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides instruction for two to four operators in basic database management skills. Covers battle group OTH-T architecture and independent operations with ashore OTH-T C2 systems. Training includes an overview of the OTH-T architecture, database management procedures, and Force OTH-T Track Coordinator (FOTC) operations. Thirty hours of hands-on training is provided for database managers using OTH-T tactical training scenarios. Quota control is through FLTCOMBATSYSTRAUPAC DSN 526-1285, (619) 556-1285.
Eligibility: JOTS II operator course or the NTCS-A Operator Course. Ship's NTCS-A operational.
Course No: A-260-0070 Level: Intermediate Length: 22 Weeks School: NSCSDET/Ft Gordon, GA Clearance: CONFIDENTIAL Cost: TDY
Objective: Provides training to tri-service officers in the skills, knowledge and techniques required for satellite communication control. This course trains the Navy SATCOM operators assigned to DISA facilities to perform as SATCOM controllers. Quota control is through NMPC 406 DSN 227-7678, (703) 697-7678.
Eligibility: Course A-260-0034 or equivalent.
Course No: 551DC Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $1,295
Objective: Addresses regulatory procedures and presents engineering methods commonly used to achieve efficient spectrum management. Knowledge of the pertinent regulatory agencies and of spectrum management and frequency-assignment procedures.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: 118W Level: Intermediate Length: 1 Week School: AFCEA/Fairfax, VA Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $980
Objective: Provides a comprehensive review of concepts and techniques that underlie the development and use of modern communications systems. Description of the representation of signals and their frequency spectra, study both analog and digital modulation techniques, relative performances, propagation considerations from ELF to EHF and optical, details of both fiber optic and satellite communications links, treatment of errors, computer network protocols, approaches to security. Comprehensive overview of the principles of communications, including their application to the design and operation of selected military and commercial communications systems.
Eligibility: Engineering degree, or a BS equivalent.
Course No: 302DT Level: Advanced Length: 1 Week School: GWU/Washington, DC Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: $1,295
Objective: Addresses high-speed code modulation, frequency or time hopping, or combinations. Techniques for anti-jam communications, ranging, and synchronization. Course will improve understanding of the concepts and applications of spread-spectrum systems and provide basic knowledge of the techniques used in designing practical systems.
Eligibility: No prerequisite.
Course No: EA-178 Level: Advanced Length: 4 Weeks (1/2 day) School: NCS/Ft Meade, MD Clearance: UNCLASSIFIED Cost: TDY
Objective: Presents the technical aspects of satellite communications. Topics included are signal development, modulation, multiplexing, multiple access, earth terminals, signal transmission, satellite transponder systems, power budgets, system management, capacity, protocol, and system types. Required to learn the terminology, understand concepts, and apply principals to perform calculations associated with a satellite's power budget.
Eligibility: Proficient in solving algebraic equations and problem solving decibels as well as have a fundamental understanding of modulation, multiplexing, and other basic communications principles.